Here at The Way Ministries, nestled in the East Mountains of New Mexico, we believe all people are created by יהוה , Hashem, and are equally valuable in the eyes of Him who created the entire universe. We strive to bring an understanding of The G-d of Israel and His Covenant to all. Those who already have a foundation in Jesus Christ can find a deeper understanding with an introduction to ישוע המשיח , Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, the true Messiah and the Living Torah. Those who have never heard about the The G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can join us on a quest to get to know יהוה , Hashem, in an intimate relationship through the study of His Word.
We believe that the Torah, the Gospels and The Oral Traditions (Oral Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, Zohar and the Midrashes) are all Scripture and has literal as well as metaphorical connotations, Truth lives in the words spoken by Hashem and by Mashiach. They can and should be used in order to understand better The Covenant between יהוה , Hashem, and His people. We believe that ישוע המשיח ,Yeshua HaMashiach, is the Messiah of Israel and the offering spoke of by Abraham, when asked by Isaac, “where is the Lamb for the sacrifice?” Abrahams response was “G-d will provide Himself, the Lamb for the sacrifice.” בראשית 22:8 (Genesis 22:8) We believe that Mashiach will return in all His Glory, soon, to claim His bride (His people) ירימהו 16:14-15 (Jeremiah 16:14-15) and to bring judgement to the world. We believe that our G-d is a Trinity, three parts in one and יהוה is His Name. This is proven in שמות 3:15 (Exodus 3:15) and דברים 6:4 (Deuteronomy 6:4). We believe that The Messiah brought us back to the Covenant and in this Covenant is the salvation of His people. We believe that all mankind is eternal, having a soul, and the choice is weather to live a life eternal with יהוה ,Hashem, or to be separated from Him and cut off from His people. That is our free will. Bound in the Scriptures is חסד (Hesed), the loving kindness, shown to us by יהוה , Hashem, a just G-d, and the model of how we should behave towards one and another.
We would love to have you join our family of like minded believers and let the iron sharpen the iron, as we dig deep into the Word of יהוה , Hashem, in order to have a much more meaningful relationship with our G-d, The G-d of Israel.